Marion County Veterans Memorial Park

This is a bit of an unusual location and blog post for me, as most of my adventures are at National Parks, hiking trips, or various other adventures. Sometimes it is equally important to look at other places that you may not have considered. A while back in November a friend from Twitter and I had some discussions regarding the Navajo Indian Code Talkers of World War II. Additional research

My Top 5 Road Trip Items

I take a lot of road trips with, and even previous to starting my website I travelled extensively for both business and leisure. Throughout my time traveling I have tried a number of items designed for road trips, etc. that worked extremely well. I have also tried a number of things that either failed or were not useful at all.  Below is my top 5 list of road trip

America’s Greatest Invention

In August 2019 I embarked on a fairly lengthy road trip of almost 2500 miles. During the time driving to my destination, I am reminded of the simple brilliance of the United States Interstate Highway System. Many other countries have similar highway systems, but our system is unique because of its rich, varied history in not only commerce but also American culture.  In several previous trips, I have been able to travel

Life and Death in Nature

Growing up around nature and becoming a nature photographer, you are around life and death in nature frequently. Many times we view this cycle as ‘mother nature’ or just simply nature taking its part. Most of the time we are not moved by death in nature in the same way that we are moved by death in our ‘human’ lives like the loss of a loved one. Uniquely however, we

How a Blind Hiker Inspired Me

Over the years hiking has become one of my favorite ways to experience nature. Hiking has helped me develop my photography into a hobby and has brought me to some really great places. Slowly, hiking has turned into a major life passion – to see nature in all it’s beauty by foot.  Part of what draws me to hiking is that hiking makes me feel close to nature, of which

Desert Inspiration

Desert Inspiration

What comes to mind when you think of the desert? Do you immediately think of endless, windy sand dunes? Do you think of a hot, arid place where life struggles to hang on because of harsh elements? Maybe you think of something similar to an oasis that you would see somewhere like the Sahara desert. Some may think of a desert as a place that may be cold as well.

Magic Kingdom on a Slower Day – What to Expect

Visiting Disneyworld Resort in Orlando, Florida is a magical family vacation for many. No doubt that while there are many things to plan for and options to consider, how busy the park is on any given day could be a big determining factor as to whether you enjoy your time at the Magic Kingdom. With a yearly attendance of well over 20 million, you can be assured that even on

Why do I Travel?

People that I meet consistently ask me “Why do you travel so much?” While traveling is not my full-time occupation, I try to visit new places as much as possible whether that is a new place across town from where I live, or a new country thousands of miles away.  The primary thing that drives me to travel is that I am a naturally curious person. I simply enjoy seeing